18 Dec 2015 Create, read, update and delete repository files using this API Parameters: file_path (required) - Url encoded full path to new file.
Package for downloading things from a string URL using a variety of protocols. - hashicorp/go-getter In combination with a launchd it updates the hosts file every x days (default is 4). To install both download the github repo and run the install script from the directory one level up. Instagram image and video downloader with URL validation and cURL integration - Ayesh/InstagramDownload The GitHub auto update means the URL and file size will be update automatically on GitHub commit or new tag/release. You can change your setting to accept how often of auto update. A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
Distribute/setuptools/distutils command for GitHub. You can use GitHub downloads instead of PyPI downloads for release. Create GitHub Resource Download Link (git-github-direct-zip-directory-folder-file) - MinhasKamal/DownGit The best file downloader library for Android. Contribute to tonyofrancis/Fetch development by creating an account on GitHub. Lightweight file based url shortener in PHP, no DB! - pawy/url_shortener A chrome extension that allows bulk url removal. Contribute to noitcudni/google-webmaster-tools-bulk-url-removal development by creating an account on GitHub. Status: 200 OK { "type" : "file" , "encoding" : "base64" , "size" : 5362 , "name" : "Readme.md" , "path" : "Readme.md" , "content" : "encoded content , "sha" : "3d21ec53a331a6f037a91c368710b99387d012c1" , "url" : "https://api.github.com…
Easy way to download files with Qt QML and C++. Contribute to Larpon/QuickDownload development by creating an account on GitHub. 세종기업데이터 크롤러 및 데이터. Contribute to mrchypark/sejongFinData development by creating an account on GitHub. A tool for downloading individual files/directories from Github or Github Enterprise. - wilvk/githubdl Downloader for https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases - vladikoff/node-geckodriver Downloader is a file download library, its agentweb default file downloader. - Justson/Downloader
Download a single file from a private GitHub repo. You'll need an access token as fetch doesn't work for the URL with subdomain like "github.example.com" or directory in :path . If you omit :path , you will receive the contents of all files in the repository. Gets a redirect URL to download an archive for a repository. To return the first file from a gist: https://gist.github.com/[gist_user]/[gist_id]/raw/ Don't forget to set the link as both @updateURL and @downloadURL in the file, sourceforge-file-download.sh inkscape` to download all of download each of the extracted URLs, put into $projectname/. while read url; do wget i.e.
Instagram image and video downloader with URL validation and cURL integration - Ayesh/InstagramDownload